
Saturday 31 January 2015

Life Update | Leaving England & Panic Attacks

It's been over two weeks since I posted... I'm sorry, but I also have my reasons (both bad and exciting reasons).
Let's roll back to the week commencing 19th of January. I was busy preparing the final touches of my portfolios and completing tasks for my university interviews.
Then on the Wednesday we went out to celebrate my lovely mum's birthday and so we went to Beefeater for yummy foods. The Thursday was my mum's actual birthday, we ordered take-away that evening and then I spent a good hour making sure I had everything for my interviews sorted and packed my bags ready to get the train the next day.
Friday came along and I was so nervous, as I new year's resolution I told myself I'd do things that scare me and overcome my GAD (generalised anxiety disorder), or at least have it under control a bit more. I'd never gotten a train alone before, I don't really have much experience with trains and the fact that Manchester Piccadilly Station has 14 platforms kinda terrifies me. When travelling to the Valleys to see my boyfriend (Matthew) I've always gotten the Megabus to Cardiff and he has picked me up from there but it takes around 6 hours, sometimes 7 where as the train only takes around 3.
I asked my mum if she'd come with me to the station and make sure I got on the right train, and I'm so glad she did as my train wasn't appearing on the timetable, then it turned out to be cancelled, the next train that the lady at the information desk said I could get on with my ticket either didn't exist or was also cancelled. That was stressful. I finally got on the train, however it was absolutely packed, the only seat I could find was one which was facing other people (that was very uncomfortable for me). I hardly moved for the duration of the journey and I had food in my bag that I was too scared to eat, but I did it, and I got there in one piece without getting lost or anything awful happening. Matthew and I went to Harvesters that evening and I had the yummiest nachos ever along with my usual southern fried chicken, chips, peas and bbq sauce. Mmmm.
Saturday came along which was interview number one and it was for Documentary Photography. My stomach was filled with butterflies as I didn't know what to expect. Soon after I arrived everyone who had an interview for Documentary Photography or just Photography got called into a cinema room and watched some presentations of work until it was your turn to go to be interviewed. I was second, I walked in and it all seemed so professional and I sat on the chair opposite one of the tutors and he pretty much interrogated me and made me feel uncomfortable as he sussed that this course wasn't my first choice and so he wanted me to admit that (which I wasn't going to). My chest then got all tight and I'd forgotten how to breathe, I was trying to convince myself that I wasn't having a panic attack because that was my biggest worry of the day. Whilst convincing myself I wasn't having a panic attack I wasn't listening to the questions he was asking and so I got stressed and embarrassed and worried and bleh. I went into a full on panic attack, tears and all. He didn't seem to really acknowledge that I was struggling to breathe and kept shooting me with questions whilst my voice was currently unavailable. Safe to say I wanted to end the interview there and then so I pretended to listen to his ramblings and then swiftly made an exit. Also, I got my application declined for the course so that was all for nothing.
Sunday we had Sunday dinner made by Matthew's parents which is never a disappointment. Then went for a walk around where he lives in the valleys, all the hills killed me off and I needed a nap when we got back home whilst he did his uni work. 
Monday I was very excited and scared for as I had two interviews for the courses I really wanted, Creative and Therapeutic Arts first then Art Practice. They both went so well and were both very informal in comparison to Friday's goings-on. I got offered a unconditional place there and then for each course which is so exciting and I was so so so so so happy! Obviously we had to celebrate with food, and so we went to a gastro-pub nearby and had a starter, main and desert which resulted in a food baby for the remainder of the day.
Tuesday we went to Harvesters... again (and also got served by the same lady and sat in the same seats). I got the train home around 5pm- it was only around half full when I got on and just got emptier, so that was nice and relaxing in contrast to my previous experience. I watched Gravity then Date & Switch whilst eating chocolate, yum. 
My excuse for not posting this week was that it was deadline week for two of my courses so I wanted to get them out of the way. I'll hopefully have a post up this Wednesday.

See you soon, Rachel x

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